Success Stories

Real Stories

Hear from songwriters who have found success with Write More Songs.

Discover the inspiring journeys of songwriters who have honed their craft and achieved their goals with the help of Write More Songs.


I have known Celine for a while now and have co-written 3 songs together. Her knowledge and way of explaining things so I can understand is just perfect. This translates into her songwriting books as well – Im working through the ‘Level up your lyrics’ challenge at the minute!


Elizabeth Woods, UK

Excellent Advice

Celine provides spot on advice. It really helped me get out of a songwriting black hole and now I’m writing for TV Sync and other music libraries. Write More Songs is not just a name, she really lives by this motto and is very encouraging to others.


Alice Devlin, OH

Song Feedback

Celine provided me with some great feedback on a couple of songs, as well as giving me some new things to try out going forwards. It was constructive and honest but with a positive overtone. I’m also loving her new YouTube channel.


David Johnson, UK